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A new commission work and the last for January was done for Demonitized Comedy.

Thank you very much for your support in my highest tier.

The Background:

What I love doing commission work are the surprise ideas the people have. Most commission quest giver want to see themself transformed in mutliple ways. This commission idea DC had for January was very different to the typical commission work.

He asked me to create my ideal family. Not his family or an fantasy family, no; Who I would love to see my family...

Well, to be true: I don't have my own family. I have my Grandmother, my Parents and my Sisters with their childs-all of them live nearly 600km far away from me. But that is the old family I have, the one I was born in. I never started my own family with a Wife or Childs. To be true: I am all alone since over 16 years now.

So I build my Family as I would wish to have:
So I createt myself the first time in one of my pictures. I think that I hit myself in a good way. When I went into public I often dress myself a little crazy, so I put myself into a Joker Outfit this time (based on Nicholsons Joker)

-The wife at my side is my ideal wife. A trohpy Wife who is proud for her body and always want to change it and is like me into Breast Expansion and other Kinks. She should be a little vamp lady with an huge hearth.

I want three Daughters (no sons).
- The oldest one (left) should be like me: She would be provocative, bratty and with an huge love for Video Games, Art and Sport.
- My second daughter (right) should be a more the Nature person. Working on her farm, enjoying what Nature have given her.
- My youngest girl should be like her mum. A lillte goth who loves to show what she have and with a hearth of gold.

As you know I live and work in Germany, where I was born 44 years ago (March 15). But since I was a child it is my dream to migrate to the United States of Amerika. But all my applications for a Greencard were rejected. I think I am to poor and now to old for the US government^^

But if I would become a citizen I have three states, where I would want to live:
-Connecticut or
- Massachusetts

I would not move into one of the big cities, because I hate it to have to much people around me. I would look and buy an place for my own little farm, with a lot of place for my dogs and so I set as Background this farm building somewhere near Salem^^ (as a Paranormal Investigator I love all spooky places :D )

But all of them will never happen^^ and so it is just my ideal family who will never exist.



Cole jones

This family looks like they could be in a comic. Also thanks for opening up about you life I hope one day somehow you will have that dream life you wish for and if not exactly like what you said then at least as close as you can get to it.


I'm glad to know the background behind. Sending my thoughts and prayers that this could happen for you.


Thanks DC. I am happy that you like that picture you commissioned :)


I love the purple haired bitches body and her proportions are super sexy.