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Unbelivable, but September is mostly gone. Christmas and New Years Eve are not so far away anymore, but before that all comes is Oktober and with it Halloween time.

In our Country we don't celebrate Halloween or Samhain. Younger people then I, got it from the american influence over the years in our TV, but in my childhood it wasn't important. We celebrated Sankt Martin who shared his own clothes with a poor beggar. He parted his Cape in two pieces and shared that. I remember some US Movies in the 80's where Halloween was shown with Trick and Treat, but nobody cared about it...

Well Time changes. Since I was a child it was my dream to move to the US, becaming an US-citizen but no matter what I did (Greencard and other ways) nothing worked. Now, with 43, I feel to old (and to poor) to leave Germany and restart everything...another died dream.

But now to the part which is important. What do YOU want to see for Halloween 2021? Right now I am working on several projects but I ask myself: What do you want to see? Wrote it as comment. On Wednessday I look about the comments and start a poll with them.



Mmm, those are both workable ideas, no? - A bimbo in search of the great pumpkins size breasts. - The holy bimbo saint Martina who gives away her clothes to (female) beggars turning each of them into bimbos.


A bunch of people at a costume party turning into slutty bimbo/himbo versions of their costumes


Ah that Linus. Now I know who you mean.


Nice idea. Not sure: I think Mr.Phoenixx once had a similar work...or was it Sitri Abyss?


halloween on the farm, a bunch of kids try to prank a farmer by messing with his cows but can't seem to find any. Only to realize that the farmer uses all natural bimbos for the milk, for sex, and anything else he needs them to do to keep the farm a float. Each girl turns into a special type of bimbo for the farm but all natural is how they will be since they will be "farm grown" a girl for milk, the scarecrow, the cook, the breeder, and etc.

Cole jones

I like the idea and even if it's been done by someone else I don't think anyone would mind it's still a great idea.

Cole jones

Some teen go out to mess with kids and other people and they are wearing all kinds of different costumes to hide who they are and one of the houses they go to mess with belongs to a witch and she places a curse of each of them causing them to turn into massive bimbos that treat people to their bodies and maybe the last couple pages shows the witch using them at her house for a special kind or trick or treat one meant for only grow ups.


A woman finds herself becoming a bit younger and more beautiful every time she hands out sweets to 'trick or treaters' (her treat) but when, she's gotten all she wants out of the process, she starts turning people away and ignoring the door to admire herself she starts transforming in a more extreme way. Perhaps she doesn't realise things are going in a bimbo direction at first and when she does she discovers she's out of sweets anyway


never give up on your dreams. You can make them happen at any age


Maybe you could do a "Goosebumps" inspired comic where the protagonists don't have the happy ending they hoped for. I remember watching the series on the German channel RTL 2 at every Halloween. Man, I loved that channel...


Hm...Never heard of that before. But for that I can look. You watch german TV Sitri? Oh boy...then it is possible that you have seen me already there :D


It was the TV adaptation of a famous children horror book series. It was super fun back then, but now it might seems a bit dated. Yeah, I watched it so much in fact that I learned the basics of the German language and later used it to make a German language exam. I watched it for 10 years every day from after school to late night. They had the best Anime section avaiable, not to mention they're amazing scifi series like Stargate. It was a sad day when my Cabel provider deleted it from the list, and then years later when it was back, the channel became non stop Big Brother and other boring crap. I still can't believe that Germans were so much into that trash that it had 20+ seasons. My country got bored of it after 2. Why? were you involved with the channel?


Most good entertainment series are canceld here in germany. There is (mostly) just crap left. Well, one of my hobbies often brings me in front of a TV camera.. I am a paranormal investigator in one of germany's most known GhostHunter Teams. So you can see my friends and me often on N24 / NTV, also Pro7, Sat1, RTL, ARD and WDR.

Lily Dee

Maybe you could do a sexy Nightmare on Elm Street where instead of going into dreams and killing people, Freddie turns people into their deepest, darkest horny dream kinks and they wake up in the real world suffering the consequences!


I had a similar idea years ago. But never found a good Freddie Figure or Props I could use.

Lily Dee

Time to make an original character, Freddo kumwhore