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Hey everyone, it is Thursday and today I have an extremly full shedule list, which started with an sad moment for me and the end of 9 months bureaucratic exercise.

I started my day at 3:00 am and visited my military unit, which I lead since Covid startet. It was very hard for me to give that Leadership to another Surperior, which was done at 08:00 am this morning. I worked since April2020 with some fantastic people and yes: It was not always easy. As Soldier we helped to bring protection gear to hospitals and other health departments. We worked strong with the Health Department and also in Vaccination centres and much more.
As I decided to reopen my Patreon Page in Januarythis year and told this to my own superior, I had no idea that they would have such a problem with it and that it bring a lot of bureaucratic barriers which ended that I lost again my Job as Soldier. Well, in Oktober that part of my life is closed...again. That was the sad part.

So I am happy that I already reopend my Patreon Page as Freelance CGI Artist who works over Patreon (which is mostly unknown in our bureaucrazy). Right now it is am extrem loss of income, but hey I am extremly happy that there are over 200 people who support me since my reopening and maybe it will grow with time :)

For today stands on my To Do List:

- at 06:00 p.m. the next Page of "Side Effects" goes online ($8 Main Tier)
- at 07:00 p.m. the next "You decide" Picture and Poll (and boy: She got some nice Lips) (for all Supporters)
- at 08:00 p.m. hopefully the next Picture Set of my "BigBimboHouse TV" Series goes online (for $13 Second Tier)

Right now I am working on Picture 4 for Day3 for the BigBimboHouse Series. The picture you see is a Preview of Picture 1 for Day 1 :D where Tiffany is fully unchanged by the votes...




Sorry to hear that man, can’t have been easy.


Sorry to hear about your early retirement from the service. I still love your art after all these years. Hope the best for your future! Looking forward to your BigBimbo House series as well as the "You Decide" babe too. Glad you came back.


It is never easy Cody. But important is to stay active and never giving up