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A new week with a new Page from my ongoing Side Effects Comic.

The protagonist changed from Prisoneer to the Professor who injected herself her experimental serum after the prisoneer got an very impressing side effect he/she is still not aware off...

Side Effects Page 001, 002, 003, 004, 005, 006, 007, 008, 009, 010- 012, 013, 014- 016, 017, 018- 020, 021- 023, 024- 026 



Cole jones

I do wish we had gotten more pages today but it's still good we got something.


Yea, this week is a little different Cole. There will be days where more pages will come ;)

Cole jones

Ok that's good to hear though do you me other days this week or some other week?


Every day where a comic page will be uploaded it will be between 1 or up to 3 pages of that comic.