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Updates to my Patreon Page
Today I overworked the welcome text passages of each tier. I've seen that there happend some happy little accidents, so i beat the devil out of it (God bless you Bob Ross, where ever your soul is now).

I also added new information to the Tiertext passages, so should everyone know where the Archive (updated Link) is or which Updates happen on which days for the specific tier.  Also how much you can except by choosing this tier, also how many pictures will be uploaded on that upload day (Monday one up to three pictures for MainContent Work) etc...

After I reopend my page some of you send me a note, mostly with questions about that what I added now to the text passages.

- changed Welcome Text for each Tier
- changed Tier Description with extra informations

What is planned?
Right now I think about to split my comic works into different parts and upload them as PDF File. So is the Male to Female process of my "Side Effects" comic on the Main Content now finished and the next process will happen on the Professor. So it would be a good point to split the work here, creating an PDF about the first 26 pages and follow with part 2 from Page 27 up to XXX

Or should it stay as it is until the complete comic is done and will be added into one single PDF with the complete comic?

What do you think about that idea?

Do you have any suggestions for this page?
Is there anything you Like or don't like? Critique is always welcome, but please...keep it *like totally easy an stuff* so that I can completly understand your points and arguments. You know english isn't my natural language and even after years using that language there are sentences I don't fully understand ;)

And now I want to say Thank you all for your amazing support so far. I know I am not always easy to handle, but I am extremly happy that there are so many who enjoy & support me and my work.


Cole jones

Me personally I think you should finish the comic then make one PDF.


You're doing a great job and I'm very happy with your output I really like the idea of splitting the two parts. M to F transformation is not my thing, so being able to separate that out would be a real plus for me Of course you can always do two parts and also a single PDF of the whole thing for people who want that :)


Keep up the great work!


I'm for the one story one pdf. When I read it again in the far future, it's more convenient to scroll to one pdf. Funny part is when I read your comics, I always keep in mind that english is not your native language. Lucky for me I also know a bit of German grammar, so I read them as you intended.😄


So long as you make it a PDF at the end you can share it as pictures if it makes it easier for you


Thanks. Yea, somehow I never completly understand the english grammer setting. So the words are standing on the wrong place or some words are in the wrong form.. And if i hit the correct setting i imagine it was wrong. Don't know why I have so much problems with that. It is easy, i read and learned it so many times...but in the end...I make the same mistakes agaisn.