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Dear friends,

the time has come - my vacation is just around the corner. For the next four weeks, I'll be away and hope to welcome you all back on August 19th here on Patreon.

Once I'm back, I'll be making some changes to my Patreon page based on your feedback from the June survey. More on that later.

But I also have a treat for you. Over the past few weeks, I've been working on a secret comic and have given some of you a sneak peek on Discord. I've created a 50-page short comic for Teysia and Femur's annual event, "Septrender." The comic is titled "Jack's Fairy Tale."

I finished the comic yesterday and sent it to Femur for review. This is necessary because "Jack's Fairy Tale" will be published on both Femur's site, TGComics.com, and here on my Patreon page. Once Femur sends back the corrections, I'll make the necessary edits. If this happens next week (which I hope), you'll get exclusive first access to the complete comic. Since I'll be flying out on July 22nd for two weeks, I won't be able to make any updates until August, so fingers crossed it happens next week :)

I'm thrilled that this will be my second work featured on TGComics.

Wishing you all a relaxing summer. I'll be more or less offline for the coming days.

Your friendly bimbo artist from the global neighborhood
Jim / Amaz2k12




Have a great vacation :)


I try to do my best :)