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Hey everyone,

the Discord server is fully set up, with roles and access created according to your level.

Here are the subdivisions for active patrons:

  • $2 Single Pictures and Mini Series:

    • on Server called Charming Snapshots and Petite Adventures

    • (All channels without Second and Main Content sections)

    • Green Text

  • $8 Main Content:

    • on Server called Fabulous Featured Content

    • (All channels without Second Content sections)

    • Red Text

  • $13 Second Content:

    • on Server called Gorgeous Secondary Content

    • (All channels) Mod Not used right now (All channels)

    • Pink Text

  • Mods

    • createt but right now I don't have found a mod

    • (All channels)

  • Amaz

    • Admin

    • (All channels)

    • golden or white Text

Ideally, the Patreon linkage through the bot should automatically assign you the corresponding role based on your support level, so you can see the correct channels on the server.

However, as I've read in the chat, this doesn't seem to be the case. Patreon has provided an excellent guide that helped me personally :D

Getting Discord Access

Looking forward to seeing you on Discord and chatting with you ;)

Amaz2k12/ Jim