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My dear supporters here on Patreon,

A few days ago, I extensively explained to you the reasons for the current unrest among some of the active artists and presented three ideas, each with its disadvantages but also its advantages. In case you haven't read it yet, here is the posting.

Since I am fond of planning a lot but nothing happens from just planning, I have now started to implement the plans, starting from the upcoming calendar week 17 (KW17). Since this will directly affect you, it is very important for me to inform each of you about it. So please forgive the amount of text.

This is the plan and the respective justifications:

All attachments for download (that is, the respective comic PDF file and the three new comic pages/single pictures) will no longer be attached but will be provided to you via a download link on MEGA. This link will be active until the next upload one week later. After that, a new link will be created with the new content. This is necessary so that the resulting traffic is not recognized and blocked as a threat by the Patreon algorithm.

The preview images will now be adjusted according to the new, stricter Patreon guidelines. This means that sexual scenes and text that could be interpreted as such will no longer be shown. Instead, I will upload only a harmless preview image that corresponds to the respective content. Depending on the comic situation, I will use the comic cover instead, which is always neutral. This step is necessary because these preview images are visible both to you via automatic email upon publication and as the first preview for followers who do not support me, or interested visitors on Patreon itself. Since most reports of rule violations arise here, this point is extremely important.

Lastly, the image description, where I always briefly introduce the content of the post, will no longer contain any critical words, nor will it include the corresponding MEGA link. This step has also become necessary because the automatic system that Patreon uses operates through filters. This means that certain words that are now considered critical are immediately transmitted to the Patreon team, which is also shown to me as the uploader as a notice, alerting to a possible rule violation among other things.

What happens next?

This form is an experiment, as I definitely want to keep my Patreon account and not lose you, as your monthly support is what makes these works possible in the first place. If this MEGA version proves acceptable to both you and me, I will revise all previous posts (well over 1200 by now), and structure them in accordance with Patreon rules. This means removing completed works, inserting a softened preview, and moving my archive, where the finished work was uploaded, to MEGA as well, as Google has proven to be untrustworthy with my content. I've already had to delete content from the archive several times.

Also, at the next opportunity, I will take a closer look at the Discord planning, where, alternatively to MEGA, my content for the respective Patreon levels can be discussed and displayed – I just need to find a good way.

In conclusion:

Your suggestions are always warmly welcome. I naturally hope you understand, but I don't want to come to my computer one morning to see that my Patreon account is being reviewed for rule violations, as unfortunately is happening to some artists on Patreon at the moment. I invest too much time and energy into all my works, which you support so strongly. So these actions are of interest to us all.



I think the solution your presenting would work for most ppl. I wouldn't mind enjoying your content this way. I'm also open to switching platforms but the thing for me is I follow many creators (like Sitri who also commented here) If there is going to be a switch it would be nice if everyone would go to the same platform. Only thing that maybe could be a problem is many Europeans don't have a credit card to pay with (I use a debit so paying with it monthly would be a hassle but not impossible) Only thing I don't like with the new method that its going to give you more work to get your works distributed. Also its a shame to see how patreon treats you guys. for many its there source of income that can be taken away with the flick of switch just because some payment processors. Same with other kind of work that is fully legal but banking world makes it difficult for them to get a account


Yes, I mostly agree with that. Unfortunately, this behavior is not uncommon. DeviantArt became known and grew with erotic content before they began to censor more and more heavily, which destroyed many artists. I'm willing to put in the extra effort because I believe that my works do not violate Patreon's rules and are otherwise within the bounds of legality. However, I don't want to risk ending up with an account under review or closed one day.


Your methode remind me to the one of Leticia Latex. It exist a dropbox and every month the patrons got via Mail a new password to unlock the dropbox


Hmm, I haven't heard of this model or artist before. But it reassures me if she handles it similarly. The idea with the email regarding the changed password is definitely a good one, which I'll keep in mind. Thanks for the info.