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Eyy yall! Thought I'd give you an update on how things are going on my end. I'll keep it quick and concise!

Today's audio and possibly Mondays are going to be delayed a few days. I'm still playing catch up after my PC went down. We're taking a lot of big swings with some very ambitious audios this month (partly to challenge myself, partly to celebrate the 8th anniversary!), so I promise the wait will be worth it!

Also, I've got a big reveal coming up for October (a return of a fan favorite), and it's been taking some planning! Septembers are always really busy for me in general: son's birthday (21 this year!), anniversary with the missus (8 years!), channel anniversary (also 8 years!), and planning for October stuff.

I'm so so sorry for the wait and appreciate your patience while I get everything back in order! The good news is I have some backup this month in terms of running some stuff, so it shouldn't be too hard.

All the love and standard start-of-month updates soon, including announcing when the anniversary livestream is gonna be. Any ideas for how we can celebrate the big date are appreciated, so feel free to drop em down below!

Cheers~ <3



What a big month! Enjoy time with your son and the Missus, cause that’s the most important. The other things are just a bonus. I’m so glad to be there for your 8 year’s celebration!


And I'm glad you're here for it! 8 years, it's my longest job to date by far. It's so crazy to think of everything we've all built together!

Chrissy C.

No need to apologize while you’re celebrating! You’ve had a lot going on and deserve the little break! Your things are so worth the wait! ♥️ Can’t wait to see what’s coming next! I’m so excited! And congrats on everything!