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The Lady DeLacy finds herself in need of some emotional release. Needing to let go and forget about being the business woman with responsibilities to others. Needing all control taken away and only left to feel. Her Butler is all but too happy to oblige her. 

Written by: Kim Carter 

Edited by: Rhianna

Recorded by: CardlinAudio

Effects and Mastering by Kes https://twitter.com/Sound_by_Kes

Graphic design by Luna Rose

Tags: Mdom, undressing you, kneeling in front of you, it's okay to rest, soft kiss, I will take care of you, cleaning up the mess you made, praise, rope, bondage, rewarding you, your worries don't exist here, teasing you, fingering you, begging, let go, cum for me, fucking you while tied up, dirty talk, ask me for permission to cum, cum for me, untying you, holding you, aftercare, whispering, comforting you  [Nicknames: Mistress, Little Miss, good girl, little tyrant]




I'm in love with this story, and the nickname "Little Tyrant" seems so fitting <3


Hmm so nice