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Hey y'all! 

May the Fourth be with you! 

If you were a Loyal Cardigan in the month of April - Your postcard has shipped! 

This postcard was drawn by moment life and I can't wait for y'all to embrace the cherry blossoms with me. 

Shipping time reminders: 

  • If you live in the United States then it'll be about 3-7 days! 
  • If you live internationally then it'll be about two weeks or more! 

Remember if you want to get the May postcard then please make sure you are in the $25 Tier by the end of May! Edit your pledge HERE!  

Hint for the May postcard: A Star Wars theme drawn by Peppergingin. You do NOT want to miss out! 



Have a wonderful May, I hope this great spring month has started well for you! The Star Wars theme is great!