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April was a tough month. It started off with having all of the prepwork to do for the big reveal/channel change tomorrow, which originally shouldn't have been so bad. I planned on getting caught up this last week, but early in the week I started having these pains that have had me laid up in bed. I've only been able to be at my desk for a reduced amount of time, most of which was spent thinking about the pain (which might explain why the twitch streams were so wonky). The pain's only progressively gotten worse, and I'm seeing a doctor about it soon, and yeah it sucks a lot lol.

That's not the point, though! The point is, I promised you a full month of audios and I missed the mark by a longshot. I'm really, truly sorry for this. If any of yall would like a refund, please DM me and I'll get that to you ASAP. No hard feelings, I hope. It's really unbecoming of me to mess up so badly, and I wanna make it right by yall.

For those who stick around, I do plan to upload an extra spice or two in May to make up for April. I'm working on recording some of them right now, and am on-track so far to meeting my goals for May. I trust these audios will fill in the blanks I left in April and THEN some. =]

My apologies again! Life strikes when you least expect it, eh? I'll see yall at the livestream tomorrow for the big reveal, and thanks again for understanding!



It’s alright C, health comes first. Take your time to recover and come back when you feel ready. We’ll be here when you recover and come back.


I've dealt with chronic pain for years and can totally understand how much pain can disrupt life. No worries! Take as much time as you need to heal and feel like yourself. We'll be here always to support you ❤️ Also, love the changes happening on YouTube! Keep up all you amazing work (at an appropriate and healthy pace of course) 💕