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First, the announcement, which is more of an apology/disclaimer: I understand uploads aren't as regular as they have been, but I can promise you that by the end of the month you WILL have your 4 new spicy uploads. Pinky swear! We've got a big announcement/change we're revealing at the top of May that we're super excited about, but it's taking a lot of work behind the scenes and uploads may be a little random between now and then. Again, though, you will be getting your 4 monthly spice audios and some SFw audios between now and then, we promise!

Now then, onto the question (and a bit of discussion): Should we have a Patreon-only Discord again?

Before you vote, pretty pretty please, hear me out:

I love the idea of strengthening our community, for making a place for you all to discuss and tighten your bonds, and to meet new friends. At its highest points, the former Discord was a place where some real lifelong friendships were made and genuine, hearty LOLs were had.

The thing is, though, that there were some really dark and nasty points, too. Cliques formed, people felt left out, people got real sassy with each other. Gossip started and festered and grew, and rumors were thrown about. You can imagine and maybe some fo you can relate to how I, someone who loves the feeling of helping people and knowing I can brighten someone's day, am indirectly the cause of someone feeling insulted, disrespected, cast out, or uninvited. Ultimately, the drama and the he-said-she-said and the endless receipts of this and that became more trouble than it was worth, and I decided to shut it down.

There are benefits, for sure, but there are dangers as well. For my mental health, I probably would try to avoid it, for the most part. But still, it's a question I get all the time so... yeah.

Should we have a Patreon-only Discord again?


Irah Delial

I most likely won't use it either way, not sure how much help my vote would be.

GuildMaster (edited)

Comment edits

2023-02-23 12:53:05 When you switched over to discord in the last live-stream, I have to admit it was the most fun I’ve had in a long time. But granted there wasn’t alot of us so maybe you can have your most trusted people as mods or something like someone else said. That live stream was my first time on discord so I can’t really comment on any type of drama that can fester. But no matter what you choose Cardlin I’ll support you and help as mush as I can <3
2022-04-16 04:08:54 When you switched over to discord in the last live-stream, I have to admit it was the most fun I’ve had in a long time. But granted there wasn’t alot of us so maybe you can have your most trusted people as mods or something like someone else said. That live stream was my first time on discord so I can’t really comment on any type of drama that can fester. But no matter what you choose Cardlin I’ll support you and help as mush as I can <3

When you switched over to discord in the last live-stream, I have to admit it was the most fun I’ve had in a long time. But granted there wasn’t alot of us so maybe you can have your most trusted people as mods or something like someone else said. That live stream was my first time on discord so I can’t really comment on any type of drama that can fester. But no matter what you choose Cardlin I’ll support you and help as mush as I can <3