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Baby, what exactly were you planning, wearing that to our video call? Alright, let me... CHrist, let me close the door, and make sure my family doesn't hear us...

Today's spicy art is brought to us by an artist who goes by the name Sintastein and their artwork and style, as you're about to see, is nothing short of amazing! Support them here: https://www.patreon.com/sintastein  

Find the Spicy Audio to A Christmas Treat HERE 


Sabrina Lorch

Love the detail of Cardlin biting his bottom lip! 😆 Always love Sintastein's use of colors and tones 😊💜

Angela Simond

For some reason I can't access the artwork to this audio! 😞😞😞

K Chandler

This is amazing 🥰! Is the transcript available for those who like to read as well?

Thai Tran

This is so good...


The art is amazing! All the fantastic details and just the total capture of the scene! And Cardlin is even more handsome here than what I had in my head! Sintastein is so, so talented😍


I'm not really sure why you would be having problems. Are you using the app? Have you tried reloading the page?


Is there a link to see all the other art . This is amazing


If you click on the tag #NSFW Art, it'll show you all the posts that has NSFW art!