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Am I.... am I going to fit in there, babe?

 Vibrant and full of color, please enjoy this sensual artwork courtesy of the amazing artist known as Feylen. Follow their journey and see more of their incredible art here: https://www.patreon.com/feylen/posts  

Find the Spicy Audio to A Little Bathtime Fun HERE 




Zoe Sobowale

This is soo cute. I need me some of this in real life


This is so cute

Ariel Diamond

I loved this so much 🥰


Sweet and so sexy. 😍


I have made love in a tub. It is amazing

krystal suyat

Adorable but..is that a tail..?

Victoria Hayes

Am I the only one who can’t see the image at all, or the preview on the other post?


I'm not sure if this is it, but I hide the image in the post so that people can scroll without worrying about NSFW art popping up on their screen in front of people. Please make sure you've clicked into the post to see the art =]

Victoria Hayes

I did click on it, but it was just greyed out with no image! I don’t quite understand the issue, but I did figure out a fix, it seems I now have to open the comments first and then return to the post to see images. It happens on past posts as well. I’m unsure why that is, as it’s not an Internet or update problem (could just be my iOS) but it’s okay! It’s no biggie at all.


Why any would listen to erotic audios at work is beyond me....🤣 To each their own! I'd be scared of getting caught