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Beautiful....making love is so beautiful


This type of spice always gets to me. I fantasize about it often. There's so much caring consent and vulnerability in this. The pessimist in me sees it as an ideal experience yet I still can't help but to hope that this actually does exist in reality even at my big age 🙈. Thank you to whoever wrote this and of course Cardlin who always puts his flavor in it😏.


Really beautiful! Perfect.


Oh, this was great-such a lovely romantic fantasy... and a million miles away from my own first experience-which took place in a rickety old caravan, myself and my then boyfriend were both stoned and it was all over in about 30 seconds 🙄 yeah...the word 'disappointing' doesn't adequately describe it...😆


It’s so cute and perfect 💕


“Not that kinda smash” big mood But in all seriousness, I loved this audio! It’s so wholesome 🥺 my first time wasn’t really ~romantic~ or cutesy, so having an audio like this is really nice


I listened to this and cried twice, because my first time was very much not this, and there was no care, no kindness and my wants and needs didn't matter. So listening to Cardlin tell the listener how much he loves her and cares about her was kind of sad for me because I've never had that in my life. This was an excellent audio, for me, it was right up there with "Chasing the Nightmares Away". Great job as always , Cardlin


Lets act like this didnt have my ass actually letting out some quiet moans and gripping at my comforter. Top tier, Cardlin. Top. Tier. This reminded me of my first time, which, while i loved it, was cut short because of pain, so this adds to it and I am ? Very very happy with this audio.

Permanently Exhausted

I love audios like these. Both adorable and spicy! I don’t think I’m supposed to be laughing (read: snorting) in an audio like this. But way to bring out the “ye-olde-accent” Cardlin.


As much as I enjoyed this, I couldn’t get “no nut November” out of my head 🤪


I pray for every virgin girl at the moment in this world today to have this kind of first time too. <3 I mean not just the first time. Everyone deserves this kind of experience, soft and sweet ^^


XD I died at "Not that kind of Smash" Also, the good thing about erotica, kink, roleplay, etc., is that you can totally recreate your first time over and over again. Audios like the ones Cardlin makes have given me and my partners loads of ideas.


This is so lovely!

Ashlee Kranz

This is beautiful! @revivelweissmiku I hope for the same!


My first time was horrible. I was smacked in the face.


Oh god Lynnie, i’m so sorry that happened to you. some men are just absolute arseholes. I can afford to laugh about my first time because while it might have been underwhelming, it wasn’t violent in any way. I hope you didn’t walk away from your experience thinking you did anything to deserve that...cos that kind of shitty behaviour was all on him. ❤


So like I'm gonna out myself a bit here. I am one who is terrified that my first will go horribly wrong because of my body being a bit broken. But this audio.. mmm it honestly had me sitting there going. "I hope this is an actual thing, like the gentleness, the sweetness, and just the caring nature of it all"😫😍 So thank you for giving this hopeless romantic virgin some hope that things could be good🤣💙🎃

Danielly Grant

Just lost my virginity some days ago, it was awful Lol. Thank you for allowing me relive this moment again but in a good way this time💖


I hope my first time is like this

Michelle Ross (edited)

Comment edits

2023-02-23 13:05:00 start praying for whoever he is (even if you have no clue who it is) that he was raised to respect women &amp; he has learned what lovemaking is, not f&amp;*king. Then as you are dating, give very obvious hints as to what you expect from him if he wants to be your first. It starts at the 1st date when you begin to show him what you want. It's the "carrot" being dangled in front of him that can direct him to meet your expectations. Don't be impatient &amp; give this one time experience to just anyone in whatever way. If you want a hotel room tell him. If you want him to have shown commitment to you beforehand (proposal, marriage, etc.) tell him. If the man refuses to give you what you want to give him your virginity, walk away. If he doesn't treat you &amp; your virginity with the care &amp; respect you deserve, he doesn't deserve you or your virginity.
2020-04-17 23:27:48 start praying for whoever he is (even if you have no clue who it is) that he was raised to respect women & he has learned what lovemaking is, not f&*king. Then as you are dating, give very obvious hints as to what you expect from him if he wants to be your first. It starts at the 1st date when you begin to show him what you want. It's the "carrot" being dangled in front of him that can direct him to meet your expectations. Don't be impatient & give this one time experience to just anyone in whatever way. If you want a hotel room tell him. If you want him to have shown commitment to you beforehand (proposal, marriage, etc.) tell him. If the man refuses to give you what you want to give him your virginity, walk away. If he doesn't treat you & your virginity with the care & respect you deserve, he doesn't deserve you or your virginity.

start praying for whoever he is (even if you have no clue who it is) that he was raised to respect women & he has learned what lovemaking is, not f&*king. Then as you are dating, give very obvious hints as to what you expect from him if he wants to be your first. It starts at the 1st date when you begin to show him what you want. It's the "carrot" being dangled in front of him that can direct him to meet your expectations. Don't be impatient & give this one time experience to just anyone in whatever way. If you want a hotel room tell him. If you want him to have shown commitment to you beforehand (proposal, marriage, etc.) tell him. If the man refuses to give you what you want to give him your virginity, walk away. If he doesn't treat you & your virginity with the care & respect you deserve, he doesn't deserve you or your virginity.


I’m so sorry to hear that. The loss of your innocence so early breaks my heart. I just hope that you’re able to heal with nothing but beautiful experiences from here on out 💖