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You just had to push my buttons, today of all days, didn't you...

Find your NSFW Art HERE 




I loved that, Cardlin did an amazing job and the writer did A FANTASTIC JOB


Cardlinnnnnnnnnnnnnn your voice is so much deeper!!! It’s such a turn on to heart you get angry and yell 😩😩😩


When he started going 💥💥💥💥 I jumped


Oh my👀

Sara Penn

Yesssssss MMMMM love Daddy Cardlin!!! I'll try to behave next time Daddy!!! 😏😏😏😁😁

Angela R.

I do love rough and growly, but if a man treated me that way I might bite it off! Cudos for the fun voicework though!


Very well written! I’m super impressed! Great work from our Author and Cardlin alike.

Mako Johnson

As a little this was nerve racking 😖


DD/lg will always have a special place in my little lusty heart. It’s always great to hear Cardlin switch between harmless Cardi bear and Super Dom Bear. Hard slaps always catch me off guard in audios but at the same time never fail to make my titties tingle 🤣. Great job as always Cardlin, never take your foot off our necks pls 😭.

Lois Geal

Your voice gone deeper...sexier. Just....yes 🔥😈 cAn We tAlK aBoUt ThOsE sPaNkInG sOuNdS fUcKiNg HeLl


I luvvv 💕


a little violent one...

Natalyne Bolduc

well my panty ruin..... that voice.... <3


Little girl might just have to hide elsewhere and finish herself off as Daddy didn’t make her cum...😩 image what would happen if Daddy finds out... oh myyyyyy what a pUnIsHmEnT 😈


*Sigh* Nice.

Kamilah Lindsey

Mmm hope there’s a part 2😍😏 after party


And I oop...my goodness...😍😍😍


This was great! The intensity was so sexy and erotic.


*Hears glass shatter* Me: 😦


Same here! I’d be like “ 😦😠😬” 😂


Yo! Tell me that anyone else felt their heart drop to their feet when the glass broke?!



Juanika Soulia

He sounds like Kakashi Sensei and as someone who has crushed on that man since I was 12, I am not okay O.o

Lori R.

I'm new here, so I don't know if Cardlin did other DD/lg spicy audios besides this one, but oh my god! I love the way his voice changes to a more commanding tone during the punishment. Amazing!

Nikki Elendil

You can click on the tag and it should take you to anything he tagged as such :)

Shekynah Fields

He does sound like him!! Thank you for saying that I have been trying to figure out who his voice reminds me of !!!😄😄

Toby Bay



Holy ffff... those powerful smacks made me jump.

Scarlet Bri

This is intense. I disobeyed daddy. I'm sorry 😔


Well the good thing about this one is I learned I don't like aggression, personally.


Me having a panic attack during this because of the aggression but still listening because I’m hooked and I wanna finish the little story there is in here😂😂😂


so. hot!!


Awesome. Makes me like guys more. Also, we need to get something cleared up. THE SPANKS THOUGH! CARDLIN HOW DO YOU MAKE THE SOUND EFFECTS?! DO I ACTUALLY WANT TO KNOW?! Will I fear you if you tell me where the slaps are from?


My sound editor actually does all of the sound work so I'm not entirely sure where they found the spanking sound effects. Nye Quill does a great job though =]


They're good at effects. I had a friend who could do a velociraptor screech in the 3rd grade and he was my hero. Also, what's your least favorite series you've recorded?