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Your feedback was for a resounding "Yes, rip the bandaid off", and while I'm still not entirely on board with the idea, I think I've found a good middle ground:

Starting today, I'm sending out a reply to new scripts that both informs the use of the low acceptance rate (1 out of every 3), and then asks them whether or not they want to know if their script made it through. If they reply, the onus is on them'; if they don't, we can both exist in the realm of Maybe, and no feelings are hurt. This way you have to specifically ask for an answer and feedback, so I feel less bad about giving it.

That having been said, I'm not into the idea (whatsoever) of becoming an impromptu writing camp, nor the idea of hiring someone whose sole job is to tell people why they don't like their writing. I can give some light feedback, maybe a few pointers, but for my own sanity's sake I'm not going to do much more than that.

And I still fully reserve the right to going back to the old way if this blows up in my face and my inbox becomes a cesspool of hate and butthurtedness. <3 I don't know why the opinion of some 35 year old man seems to matter to so many people, but I don't want to compromise my channel or the quality of my videos just to avoid hurting people's feelings. I owe it to myself and my community to only do content I can be proud of, and can happily hang on my channel's refrigerator door.

PS: This change will go in immediately, but not retroactively. If you have submitted a script and want to know if it made it or not, please email me at cardlinscripts@gmail.com (do me a favor, please, and don't ask anywhere else, including here. <3 It helps me to keep my life organized)

Thanks again for your input, yall! Fingers crossed that this works out. ^_^



Sounds like a nice middle ground

Midnyte CraestSpell

Huh, fair enough. I guess it would seem silly to hire a team. My bad 😅 but yeah, your middle ground sounds doable, giving the writers a choice of feedback that is. I wish you all the luck Cardlin.