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...there's been something that's been on my mind a lot lately. At it's core, it's a simple question: should I let a writer know when the script they sent in is not accepted? There's a lot of thinking that goes into it, though. Indulge me, if you will, and my mania.

Currently, what i do is respond with a message that lets them know that, should the script be accepted, I will send a follow-up email. I also mention that not a lot of scripts make it through; only 1 of every 3, in fact. Then I just don't send the follow-up email. This serves two purposes: it lets me change my mind about the script at a later point if I want to, and it lets them know that, until they see that email, their script has not been accepted.

I've been receiving some requests to be more specific about a script's fate; to let the writer know whether or not their script made it through. This, I think, has some Pros and Cons:


  • It frees them up to send the script to someone else, if they want (which they always could have done; I, personally, don't understand the weird stigma around having multiple asmrtists do the same scripts)
  • It lets them know and doesn't "keep them hanging"
  • Probably some others that don't immediately come to mind


  • It could trigger anger/depression/disappointment (to a fanbase that is, and let's be honest, at least partially probably already prone to having prickly emotions)
  • People asking for feedback/tips (which adds to my workload, given the amount of scripts I get)
  • Scorned writers with a "I'll show you" attitude, or a "I liked Cardlin, but I found out he's a real snob"

    Am I being overdramatic? Probably. I mean, no one has more prickly emotions than me. XD But those are my legitimate concerns.

    In the past, I've always come to you, my community, whenever there was a major decision to be made. To be fair, I haven't always *istened, but I have usually asked, at least. <3  So, here's the question:

    Should I be telling script writers whether or not their scripts are accepted? Let me know how you voted and why in the comments. <3 Honesty is, as always, deeply appreciated.



I think you might’ve answered your own question. “Honesty is, as always, deeply appreciated.” You don’t owe anyone an explanation as to why it’s not being accepted at this time. Just tell them it’s not being accepted at this time. If they ask why. write a disclaimer that you don’t give personal writing advice. If they keep on about it after that point, you can always block them for harassment (though I doubt anyone will actually do this to you, at least I hope not).


I personally would like feedback as to why it wasnt accepted so I can know what I need to change next time I wanna submit one.