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...well, it was traumatizing, to be honest, but in all of the best ways! Thanks to yall for sharing that scary movie with me! ^_^ I had a blast and I hope yall did too! I just need therapy now, that's all...

Maybe we'll have some therapy NEXT weekend, yeah? =D Saturday, 10/27 @ 8am PST/10am CST/11am EST, over on Discord! See yall there and maybe, just maybe, we'll do something nice this time... and not walk away so... disturbed!



Sounds awesome guys, hope you had fun! But 3am around here was just to late/early for me😅 so what scary movie did you end up watching?


We watched The VVitch! Hopefully you can join in next time. It should be a better time for your timezone. =]

Anneliesse E.H.

I sadly missed the movie showing because my sexology professor kept me over ! His speech was so boring and dull ! I can hopefully make it to this hang out! I’m sorry it was so spooky for you ! 💝