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(In case you want to read along without the beautiful Nujabes music)

Eyy my lovely Patreon Cardigans! I know I don’t usually record messages like this one but I’ve got something important I wanted to discuss with yall regarding your rewards and my videos. Now, I’m constantly trying to think of new ways to both show my appreciation and continue to grow this community, and I think I’ve figured out a way to do both with two moves.

The first move is, effective as of next week, I’m going to stop doing social media followbacks, and I’m going to unfollow all Cardigans. I know this will come as a blow to some of yall, but allow me to explain why. In an effort to expand the channel and start reaching out to others both in the ASMR space and YouTube in general, I’ve been trying to use social media more naturally. It becomes difficult to do so, however, when my feed is full of people who, while supportive and mean well, are essentially strangers. Also, as people support me here on Patreon for a while and then leave, my list continues to grow and never deflate. I feel by filling my feed with contemporaries and other people doing the same thing, I can start to really get my name out there.

The second move, however, will be, I hope, some really good news for yall. I was trying to think of a reward to replace the followbacks that would not only affect more people, but have a more visible, more tangible reflection of my appreciation. So, starting next week, I’m going to start showing the names of my Patreon supporters in all of my videos moving forward. Not all names, mind you, but anyone who is a Patreon supporter and who contacts me to let me know what name they’d like to appear on the screen. This will allow those of you who would like to remain anonymous to stay that way. So, starting immediately, if you’d like to have your name appear in my videos, please contact me here on Patreon. You can reply to this post or you can message me; either way works, just make sure it’s here on Patreon so I can verify your account. Also, higher tiers will appear on the screen in a bigger font to reflect your contributions.

Thank you all so much for your ongoing support and encouragement as I continue to grow the channel and make the changes necessary to accommodate that growth. As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please don’t be afraid to ask me. I’m here for yall just like you’ve been here for me.

Thanks again, and cheers!

(Thanks to Otakah on Instagram for the cute new Cardybear art!)



Paige Mick

My name is Paige :3

Krisandra Setzer

I would like to be in a video. Krissy is perfect