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This year's postcard theme is:

Cardlin by the Cardigans!

I've had the honor of seeing some amazing art from the community of Cardigans throughout the years, and I've decided I want to showcase more of it on our monthly postcards. So, if you'd like to have your art go out to all of the Cardigans at the Loyal Cardigan tier and in the hands of dozens of your friends in the community, hit me up!

Comment below or email me at cardlinish@gmail.com (or however you wanna reach me) and show me a few samples of your art. I'll pick my favorites and we can work on designing a postcard together. ^_^ Hype, right?

(And yes, of course if we end up working on a postcard together, I'll pay you for the commissioned artwork!)

Let me know!


Ashlee Kranz

Sent mine in! Wasn’t sure if you’re looking for anything specific, so I sent a bit of everything in my latest.


My email is busted but here's my portfolio! https://bunnybones6.wixsite.com/mysite