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Just curious, what are some of your favorite female weight gain tropes?

It could be a whole theme for a story, and one-off scene, or even just an idea.

For instance, it's pretty obvious one of mine is a woman secretly fattening another woman. Another one is when she visits a relative's house for a party and is made fun of for how fat she has gotten, but also is fed more and more food. (Similar to Ifap C05p04 and the In for a Penny scene from hadoukenchips as well.)

Anyway, just throwing it out there and was genuinely curious. I might even put some in one of my comics if I find any I relate to.



I like when a thin women gain weights for money, either via webcam or a rich person pays her to gain weight.

Caff Cuff

EoE and MBH were my favorite ones. I also like college gains when fit girls started to hit parties more than gyms. Stess eating and gain from hard office works. Or fit to fat challenge for a trainer like real world tv show. You know that show right? I imagene that if the grand price depends on the amount of weight that gained. How much weight gain is possible for a fitness girl in 4 months?


Personally I really like it when they are in denial about the gain. Still wearing the same revealing clothing but ignoring or finding excuses why they are getting tighter.


Accidental mutual weight gain - where one person is gaining and others get dragged along as collateral damage (even better if they then end up bigger)

Garzey's Wing

Definitely scenes where the girl is "almost in a trance" and they feel like they have to keep eating


Dang, I didn't except so many responses! From what I can tell my comics tend to hit a good chunk of your wanted themes at some point or another, which makes me pretty happy to hear.


My favorite tropes are: The unintentional role reversal - a chubby/obese woman starts losing weight, while her fit girlfriend starts gaining weight, and by the end of the story, they've reversed sizes. The bad habit friend/roommate - a fit woman starts hanging out with a fat friend/roommate and starts eating like her, exercising less, and gaining weight. Weight loss competition gone wrong - two rivals or friends have a weight loss competition, but then they either sabotage each other or the loser gets fattened up even more by the winner (bonus points if this awakens a preference or fetish for liking weight gain and fattening in one or both of the women). The time traveler - a fat woman tries to prevent her younger self from getting fat in the first place, but actually ends up making herself fatter in the present/future.


Feeder turns to feedee and the feedee becomes the feeder


Oh man, that's a tough one. I like when the gainer is a bimbo, like she starts off as this skinny curvy ditz. I like girls getting stuck after a stuffing or having wardrobe malfunctions like button pops and seams ripping. Also quite partial to sneak stuffing, like a girl eating food she's not supposed to and trying not to get caught. I'm a sucker for any scenario inspired by Winnie the Pooh getting stuck or Augustus Gloop cause I'm fairly certain watching those as a kid are what made me be into this (ironically both featuring male characters but I'm not into male feedees at all lol)

Tom Baker

My ideal hypothetical scenario would be having a girl gain weight and being told by her family and friends and others that she's getting really fat, but then she stops gaining, maintains her weight but all the people around her shaming her start to get even fatter, and they're also oblivious to it as well, they'll still be making fun of her for being fat when they're twice as big


A hot young Mom who slowly let’s herself go and gains weight where it counts. Stress eating combined with a less frequent exercise routine help her fill out into the Mom bod.


Gain focussed in the breasts ;) But more seriously, my favorites of yours are Wendy and MTO, so a pretty face makes a big difference. I like an oblivious stuffer and the tension created by watching their slide into acceptance. I also like a subtle feeder/enabler like Wendy's servants or Scarlett's friend Mandy, as long as it doesn't end with too much pathos.