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grumpy boi

Seeing Aly get huge is so awesome! Hope she continues along with Emily


Love seeing Aly being Bottom heavy looks Amazing


wow looks like she really did stop hitting the gym looks greay


I love that you made Ally a pear. There's certainly no shortage of ass in that house, and I can't wait to see how mom's looking these days.


Holy shit… cant wait to see Emily’s mom and Lisa tho

Mr. Monopoly

Love that the one who planned her demise got sucked into the vortex as well. Emily is a real eating machine these days. She's turned into another one of Magmaman's porkers. Hopefully that pizza can bring Emily's mood back up.


you left me speechless themagmaman, simply excellent page, incredible, one of my favorite pages, great job :).

Mr. Monopoly

Haha you're right. *Hopefully those pizzas will satisfy that big belly of hers.


Wow. They are both out of control. We saw hints of it with the brownies but Allison can barely control herself around food now. She walks in with the pizza and has already started eating it. Taking a whole one for herself . While it might seem not that much in comparison to Emily it is a lot when you compared to who she was in the beginning of the story. Also It's like a foot away from Emily and she still begging for it.

Caff Cuff

Emily is on fire. I can't weight to see Emily get bigger and bigger. Congrats for this glorious art work.


I’m excited to see how big the mom got in this comic and hopefully Ali gets as big as Emily