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Mr. Monopoly

Wowza wowza wowza, look at that belly, simply gorgeous. Love how you're always elevating and making these panels better. I look forward to seeing how her project went, how she's feeling about herself, and what her romantic plans are. Can't believe I'm saying it, but impressed with the gains, but looking forward to the story.


Looks like she said goodbye to romance unless it is a heartshaped cake.


Best page of Emily yet, completely worth the wait. Well done

Caff Cuff

That is a perfect shape, cant weight to see more.) That is so much work on it. Well done!


wow, I had been left with the doubt on the previous page, if emily was in her underwear, and yes, if she was :0, another great page, and today I have something to translate that's great :).


Looks like my wife’s current size!


Really well done, you got her shape perfect! The hang..... Wow. Your work does really get better and better, really can't wait for a certain future project that's coming up if this is the level your working at right now!