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Hey all, just wanted to state up front how awesome everyone is and how great it is that you are willing to enjoy my work enough to send a few bucks my way each month.

With that said, I need to make some changes to how this all works. If you can't tell, I've become more inconsistent the last few months with posting and starting next month, I am going to be starting a new job. 

What this means is that, for my mental health and to be able to still provide quality comics, I need to take my posting level down a few notches so I can breathe a little, at least for a short period. Posting a full 3 panel comic, 2 times a week, is actually a lot harder than it sounds, especially with render time and my picky ass trying to find the perfect pose and props and clothing.

So starting next month, I am going to be posting 1 comic per week. I will probably alternate these or only focus on 1 story, I haven't quite decided. I still think 4 comics a month is pretty good, and better than some other artists out there, but I really do wish I could carry on with the pace I've set the last few years.

Billing/charging will change accordingly. I'm thinking getting rid of the 2 dollar a month class entirely, and just dropping the 5 dollar a month one down to 3.50 or so. This change will help me also focus on one-off images, sequences, and WiP things, since my life wont be entirely wrapped up every 2 or so days scrambling to finish a comic page and have to begin working on the next one immediately. I'd be nice to be able to post an image or two of something random more often.

Anyway, I hope you all understand. I'm sure I will lose a bunch of subs from this, but I need to do it now or face a total burnout and quitting completely.

Thanks for helping these last few years... you all rock!



Much love homie. Do what you need to do. Always love your work and I hope your new job treats you well


You do what you need to do, buddy! Better to dial back your workload before you burn out--this should be enjoyable, after all. I'll continue with the support if you're still willing to create!

Mr. Monopoly

Probably not a surprise coming from me, but do whatever you need to. You've been creating amazing content for this community for a long time, and we all need to hit the breaks or the gas at different times. Grats on the new job, best of luck, and I'll still be happy to see posts from you when you have time.

grumpy boi

Gotta take care of yourself! I think a comic a week is still great progress. I also think the pricing changes are very fair. I am a little concerned when you talk about alternating comics. It feels like we are finally making good progress on Emily's story after a long set up. It would be a shame to drop the payoff now.


I think it's better this way, even if updates will be slower, you can focus more on each page.


Main thing is your own health and keeping yourself from burn out. If your changes mean a few people leave then who needs them. You produce fantastic content and have always been upfront about any changes and future plans. Still sounds like you will be sharing your awesome work pretty regularly so all good. Hope your new Job goes well.


Fair enough. No problem for me. Good start with your new job.


Doing a good job man take it easy focus o yourself brother ✊🏻


Take care of yourself first. We’ll still support you!


Do your thing bud! I will definitely still support you.


Mental health always comes first. Take your time and thank you for your art!

Bobo the Hobo

As a content creator myself, I understand the pressure that we're all put under. That weekly grind is hard as hell, and keeping your head above water is one of the hardest parts of the job. If this is what you need to do in order to stave off burnout, and to keep giving us the content that you want to make, I fully support you. I think I speak for a lot of us when I say that as long as you have a platform, you'll definitely have patrons. Your comics are high-quality, slow-burn, and always give me something to look forward to throughout the weeks. Whether or not that's going down to once a week, I'll still happily patronize one of my favorite creators.


Congrats on the new job!


I do understand happening like that at the beginning of the month you decreed it almost af the mid


I don't have an issue with this new model, but personally, I'd prefer that one comic be the focus instead of alternating between two, especially since some comic pages mainly serve to set up the next page. My vote would be for Emily's story to get the spotlight.

Tom Baker

Just focus on Eoe, that series alone has enough characters gaining to keep us happy. Most of all take care of yourself, we can wait, just do what's best for you bro


I´m fine with that and can understand completely. I have so many unfinished weight gain stories because my job took the dominant part in my life so many years ago. Days only have 24 hours and no way to change that. And we have to work, sleep, eat and shouldnt forget to socialize in real life.


Congrats.My vote is for Expansion of Emily to be the focus.


I think the changes are fine, and I'm sure everyone will understand, and I don't think I'll lose people, what matters most is helping a content creator, and what you do is very good. take your time and don't get so overwhelmed :).

Shadow Basilisk

I’m glad that you’re doing what you feel is best for you 👍


Dear Magmaman. I love your art and completely understand your step. Just brainstorming: have you considered to stop posting altogether for say two months? During that time, besides all the other stuff going on in your life, you could still keep on creating content, but obviously without the bi-weekly pressure. Thus you build up a stock of unpublished images "up your sleeve". Then after two moths, you regularly start posting content again, but with the big difference that you would not always have to feel the immediate pressure to creat up to a deadline. Because from then on you would just be restocking your internal supply of yet unpublished work rather than having to produce directly for the upload. Do you know what I mean? ... I am mentioning this because quite frequently it is the mere fact of having to meet solid immediate deadlines, rather than the work itself, that drives us into burn-out. Building up a "stock" can be a great counter measure, provided that at its core you still love what you are doing. ... As I said: just brainstorming. Hope it helps a little :)


I've actually thought about this, but for me this is a good way to justify being lazy and never coming back at all. I think at least keeping something going is the way for me. Thank you for the awesome suggestion though!

Bobo the Hobo

Coming from someone of your caliber, I take that as the highest compliment. Happy to hear that you're sticking around, and I can't wait for what you have in store for us :)