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but Wow! indeed


Ashley's ass is magnificent


Wish she was in the original gym outfit...

Implants Only

Would love to see an arc/story someday where a female only gains in her hips, butt and thighs - and her face, neck, arms, and upper belly stay slim. It's obviously over for Ashley. Any chance we could find such an erotic view, with Nikki? As an aside - because it's below/behind her - she'll be less likely to 'notice' the gain since she wears so much stretchy clothing. Please consider this direction. Thanks.


This is a wonderful piece! Seeing Ashley again is great, and seeing her transformation is an even better reward. Hopefully we will see more of her in the future (in every sense of the word), but regardless, this comic has been great, you are doing an amazing job, and wherever you take the story I'm sure it will be great. Keep the amazing work!

Implants Only

LOVE seeing women wearing the same clothes that they wore 'before', as they grow. Stretching shorts getting tighter and tighter over the thighs and cutting in deeper and deeper is so hot!


unbelievably sexy, nice work