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Matt L.

Your method in portraying Maggie from the side really reveals the scope and span of her increasingly chubbier figure. Maggie has grown quite buxom, and her progression of belly fat and ample posterior is beautiful. Nice subtle curvature to Maggie’s belly, and her arms have a naturally squishy composition. I likewise admire your work on Maggie’s face, the ambiance of her beauty unspoiled by the pounds she has packed on despite the puffiness; her swollen cheeks in panel three is very cute. Well-done text, Maggie’s desire to leave is interesting. Blaming Penny’s proficiency in the kitchen for her weight gain, is Maggie oblivious to the potency of appetite? Is Maggie that naïve to really think she’ll be able to control her appetite without Penny in the picture? It appears Maggie has reached the point of no return in regards to her appetite. Viewing Maggie’s battle of the bulge will be fun. Impressive update!