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Hello all!  Thanks again for supporting me, it's made me actually get active again which has been great!

So I've been kicking around the idea of starting up a second comic that will run in conjunction with Moving Back Home.  Problem is, I don't have much of a writing talent and don't really know where to start.  So I guess my question is, are there any good stories that you would like to see turned into either a comic or a series of images?

Here are a few guidelines:

1.  I only want natural gains, nothing magical or crazy where someone gains 100 pounds over night.

2.  I'd prefer something where the girl stars skinny and ends up pretty fat, like 250 pounds ish or more. 

3. Sister or best friends gain is nice.  The less men in the story the better, although one as a boyfriend or something is okay.

4. Ex-Cheerleader or athlete stuff is always good, but not required.

5. I prefer either revenge gains or gains where the girl is almost helpess to the gain, but ends up liking it in the end.  (No kidnapping or force feeding gains)

So anyway, that's sort of something I'm looking for.  Any ideas?  I'm open to original ideas for a comic you might have, or a story you know of.  If you'd like to work with me to create a comic, please send me your ideas!  




+1 To #5 Except "liking it in the end" bit, too much of that around these days & not so much the opposite, force feeding is never good IMO so I concur with that part.


A good story i have read is hannah’s goals by logitechk1 un deviantard


this story is vert vert good i think


I guess I should clarify. “Liking It” was a strong term. I should expand that to acceptance or just plain giving up.


I actually have this one in mind! It is a good example of what I’m looking for. His story “adding to amber” is also great.


Yeah, that can be good I've just come to dislike the active feeder dynamic that is prevalent on Fantasy Feeder fiction for obvious reasons. I can't remember the last time I read a story where the gainer struggled in the process rather than just getting a rise out of gain, seems to be a taboo notion in the more PC FA necks of the woods.


Man, anytime I see goals it's a mood killer. Planed gain is never a plus in my book, just dieting in reverse.


I would love to see what you could do with snr6424's Rounder and Rounder We Go (https://www.deviantart.com/snr6424/art/Rounder-and-Rounder-We-Go-636276780), but if you're open to ideas, I have an original one I'll send you a message about.


Actually, one that might be a bit closer to #5 is Don't Mess with Analysts (also by snr6424): https://www.deviantart.com/snr6424/art/Don-t-Mess-with-Analysts-Ch1-152925667


Sexy comfortable is a good story on deviantart


Great story for sure, but it's already been covered by the great Lardmeister! https://www.deviantart.com/lardmeister/gallery/34743438/sexy-comfortable


I love snr6424's work so much. I've actually been tempted to create a story based off Backfired, but it ends with her still only around 200 pounds.


I started to create my own story. I am sorry for my not-too-good English, I am not a native. This is some kind of classic weight gain. Lisa's new Job Lisa has been bad in school for years and now broke up with it. She searched for any job, but got declined everywhere she went. Her two best friends, most of them still studying, helped her to find a job, searching all newspapers they found for job offers. Lisa's parents moved to a different city, because her dad got a great job offer as a manager there. Before he got that offer he worked for a similar company in Lisa's city, so he earned a quite good amount of money. After they heard, that Lisa was going to drop out of school, they helped her out with some money and finding a quite good flat to live there. Since then Lisa has not heard much about her parents because they are angry, that she dropped out of school. She cannot expect any support from her parents anymore. She got her house for pity of her parents for her fate. Anna, a black haired booty girl, is one of Lisa's best friend. They have been friends since elementary school. They like to play videogames together at Lisa's place. On every weekend they either go to the theme park in town, play lasertag or just stay at their places and play Multiplayer computer games together. Jennifer, but they name her Jenny, a blond haired, sportive girl used to play Volleyball in the same Team. After Lisa dropped out of school, she became cheerlader of the year, so Lisa was a bit jealous of her. Jennifer and Anna have completly different interests, so Lisa is the one holding them together. Jenny and Lisa never do something alone. The three girls (Lisa + Anna + Jenny) go together on parties, to the theme park, to the movies or just for lunch. Chapter 1 This afternoon Lisa searched for a job, she got declined in the past very often. They brought together lots of newspaper to read the job offers. After some time and joking about jobs, Anna suggests applying at McDonald's for a job. My thoughts about the story: Lisa gets the new job at McDonald's and starts working there. Food is for employees free there, so she always has lunch there, until she notices some weight gain. She is going to avoid the food there, but avoiding it 100% is not possible, because it's free and she can eat it at work easily. The gain continues because of the snacks, when watching TV/going to the movies/playing computer games/going to the theme park/... Lisa is some kind of a poor rich bitch (she has a lot of things, but no money). Anna doesn't care about Lisa's weight gain, Jenny does, so Lisa will get mad with Jenny,...

What Zit Tooya

Might as well throw my hat in the ring and suggest a few ideas. For the sake of simplicity, I'll just reuse some protagonist names between ideas: - Meghan wants to fatten up Sally without her knowing it (they can be a couple and Meghan has a fat kink, they can be friends and Meghan wants to make Sally uglier by comparison, they can be rivals and Meghan wants to sabotage Sally, the 'why' can be anything). However, Sally does find out and decides to essentially drag Meghan down with her and bring her along to all these places with fattening food. When Meghan eventually wises up, she's even bigger than Sally. - Continuing the 'revenge gain' theme, Meghan and Sally are both competing over the affections of Ted. Sally starts a rumor that Ted is into curvier girls, so Meghan starts trying to put on some weight. However, she feeds Meghan bad advice that leads to her to end up larger and less shapely than she hoped. Sally and Ted end up dating, and Meghan is too demoralized to change her eating habits and ends up putting on even more weight. If you want the ending to be a bit less of a downer, you can have her meet a guy who's fine with her size. - Meghan is the trophy wife of an older, wealthy man. He's mostly absent, so all she does is sit by the pool and drink margaritas, go shopping while sipping a venti latte, eat out at the fanciest restaurants as much as she wants, and go out partying all night. Her lifestyle eventually catches up with her, and her husband comes back to find she's twice the woman he married. - Meghan, a fitness guru/lifestyle coach, decides to have a publicity stunt to show just how effective her exercise and weight loss regimen is: she'll eat all her meals at Generic Fast Food Megafranchise for a year without gaining a single pound. Of course, a year rolls by, and she's gained 100+ pounds. She's effectively the laughingstock of the fitness world and her career is over, but a new window opens: a PR job offering at the fast food company. - After a supernatural encounter (ancient artifact? angry gypsy? weird meteorite?) that she can't quite explain, Meghan believes that she's been cursed to be ravenously hungry. She can't resist her impulses and binges at every meal, which soon has obvious effects on her figure. After a while, she tries a supernatural method to get rid of the curse and does everything right... but she's still super hungry. It's eventually revealed that she was imagining the curse, and that she had done this to herself. If you want me to elaborate on any or write outlines/dialogue/scenes, just let me know.