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Hey all! I wanted to reach out to everyone with an update on life events and what you can all expect in terms of content over the next month and what I have on my plate in terms of commissions. 

Quarantine has been very hard on me on a financial, emotional and physical level, as I'm certain it has been for everyone. I went through about a month of crippling depression and a flair up of psoriatic arthritis. For a while the world seemed pretty bleak, but that's all over and done with. I've been going to the gym, getting outside and cleaning up and taking care of myself, and the economy is finally starting to open up again. I've been genuinely happy as of late. I've been feeling motivated to get back into art and animation and I hope this month reflects that. 

I have a quite a few new supporters and I want to give out a sincere thank you to all of you. Some of you might have noticed I replaced the "monthly animations" with exclusive content. I did this because the beneift was dishonest for newcomers and I've learned to accept I'm still an amature at animation and dont have the skill to pump animations out that quickly. I've also added the 10$ tier with a few people in mind that have really been patient and supportive of me. 

Now onto the the fun stuff, I took a break this week because I started to get a little winded, the content goals for the coming month of July is as follows. 


At least two more comic pages of Hibiscus's date with Mikey probably mid month to end of month.


For July I want to do a 4th of July animation like I did last year. Because by god if theres one thing America needs right now its an escape from the last months termoil into Hibiscus's fat juicy ass, I'll probably put up a character pole for that soon.

That could end up conflicting with the Klacie animation I have in the works. Either way expect SOMETHING on the 4th and Klacie soon after the 4th. I could end up doing an illustration for the 4th or an animation, we'll see.

Other stuff

I think I've released quite a bit for the month of June so the rest of June will be focused on commissions, that of which I have 2 full renders and animations for july.


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