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Hey everyone, 

I wanted to sincerely thank all of you who have maintained your pledges. Given the seriousness of the virus and the threat that it presents to all of us, I want you all to know that I understand the need to save your money. If you're holding onto your pledge due to loyalty or whatever reason, I want you to know that I harbor no ill will toward any of you if you decide to withdraw. It's important that we each take steps to secure our survival.

I realize that there has been a sharp downturn in the amount of content I'm putting out, and I'm beginning to feel guilty for receiving money I feel like I haven't earned. I'm under a great deal of stress from the events the last few weeks, desperately trying to hold onto my job. There will be a day, possibly in the coming months when I return to a more regular art schedule. I encourage you all to hold onto your money, for your own sake.

God bless America, god bless the world.

Thank you all for your love and support.

Stay healthy.




No worries. I hope you are safe and keep your job through all this... Im still gonna sub tho~ The musky smut ya draw is the best!