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A little something for my patrons.

I had an idea for a new human character named Marianna, not sure if I'm gonna stick with that name or not. She lives in hell. I had this whole idea where this version of hell is exactly like the real world but everything is exactly 25% worse than life, things like traffic jams being 25% longer, your boss being 25% more shitty, 25% less pay, you get the idea. The only exceptions to the rule are acts that are considered "sinful" So things like premarital sex, or drugs or whatever are 25% BETTER in hell. In contrast things would be 25% better in heaven.  Of course hell is going to be filled with all sorts of ferocious and sexy monsters, and its always blazing hot in hell so she'll like never NOT be sweaty and musky, yah know? I'm not totally done with her design yet, I might add some tattoos or something. I want to give her a very unique personality to kind of make up for the whole “human trait”. I'm open to suggestions.



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