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Couple things you should all be aware of if you haven't been keeping tabs on my twitter. The last week I've been dealing with a sore wrist/repetitive motion injury from drawing my last comic short.  This week I took it easy on my hand and I think its mostly healed up by now 

I also managed to finally land a full time job. 8:00-4:30 monday through friday. 

I've also got two commissions on my plate, both of which are about half way done.  The plan is to get both of them either finished or close to finished by tomorrow night.

As far as how this applies to all of you, it basically means my schedule is tight, I've still got an animation to crank out for all of you by the end of the month.  I'm going to do my best to manage my time. But It could end up being a few days into October.  I also do have plans for a Halloween themed animation. partway through next month.



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