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All of us are dead ep 6_pt 1.mp4

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has ♡

dont get me wrong its fun to see ur guys take on the movie. but u gotta understand how entirely different things would be if ure just a viewer as oppose to actually being there in the field and all ur emotions run high. its easy to be logical in the sense that we all see different point of views of the situations because we SEE them but these ppl who are in that situation, dont. you see and you know whats only in front of you and u can only stay logical at that point for as long as u can. some of the things u guys point out like why they cant prioritise and why theyre still fighting when these ppl only care about NOT DYING. thats it. u. u can only be logical for so long. and most of the times being too much of being one is dangerous too. anyway, regardless i still enjoyed watching u guys ! i look forward to these reactions every week ! its also rly interesting to get to know u guys think hahahaha