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bts run directors cut

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YESSS so excited! Also since you're talking about how you guys are filming in advance, please be sure to watch the Run BTS episodes on Channel Full Moon!! They do a collab with Na PD and his famous Korean variety show, the Game Caterers, and so they take turns appearing on each show. It goes Run BTS episode 140, then the next episode is Game Caterers, then back to Run BTS (listed as episode 141 on weverse), then the finale is the Game Caterers again. Here is a playlist with the videos: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3EDrqImkdrJReRYCv2wWrtiI8I3TmDMj It's so that you also don't get confused cause some stuff cuts and continues on the other show! ETA: Ep 114-115 is also a collab. This is shot from the T1's team's PoV: https://youtu.be/miziSDIxqcE


NP! The T1 collab is just a fun extra from T1's perspective, but the Game Caterers one is more confusing if you don't switch.