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Kimberly Lopez

Best part of my Sunday is about to start!!!!


Your reaction is the best ever!!!!


Ahh, I commented about that math question, but it got deleted twice. 💀 Anyway, RM and V are right, the correct answer is 100k. It’s a tricky question because most people would think that the tailor lost 200k in total (70k for the suit + 30k for the change + 100k to the café owner. However, we need to keep in mind that the café owner and the tailor don’t owe each other shit, and the tailor did not lose anything to the café owner, because he was just cashing the cheque in the first place. Let think of it this way, let’s say you have a fake 10-dollar bill, and you tell a friend that you want to change the 10 dollar bill to some coins, so he gives you 10 dollar worth of coins and you give him the cash. Later he finds out that the cash is fake, so he asks you to return the coins back to him. In the end, you don’t really lose anything, you gave your friend his 10 dollars back, but that doesn’t mean you lose extra 10 dollars. So to make it less confusing, it’s safe to pretend that the whole interaction between the tailor and the café owner never happened (the tailor neither gains nor loses anything to the owner, it’s a 0), we can overlook that part and only pay attention to the transaction happens inside the tailor shop: 70K for the suit + 30k for the change = the tailor loses 100k in total.


The tailor loses 100k. The tailor received 100k in cheque and encash it to the cafe owner. The tailor gave the change to the buyer 30k so the cash on hand is 70k. Since the cafe owner came back because the check is forged so the tailor gave the 70k balance from the check encashment and additional 30k to complete the 100k. So the tailor loses 100k and not 200k.


Yes, BTS watches anime (My Hero Academia, Haikyuu, One piece, Attack On Titan, Slam Dunk, etc). I think the maknae line watches the most, esp JK. The one who watches the least is J-Hope


I know I'm a year late and people have already explained but I wanna add my explanation as there are different ways of explaining and some people need a different way of explaining things sometimes... The tailor only lost 100,000 won because... 1. The man bought the suit which was 70,000 and walked out with 30,000 in change. That's 100,000 in total that he'd given to the tailor as a check. 2. The tailor now has the 100,000 check. As a full payment for the suit and change. HE HAS LOST NO MONEY AT THE MOMENT. 3. The check was fake so the tailor had to pay out of his own pocket the 100,000 won. 4. You do not add the price of the suit or the change to the total loss as the man gave the total amount as a check.