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He's here, my first fully hyper daki!! I'm really curious to see how folks like him. Obviously the balls were a major highlight to work on, so I hope folks get to enjoy being up close and personal with such a well endowed lil dude haha. This daki was a commission for Dragoneer, actually my first daki commission so far! I definitely would be up for doing more of them in the future if it comes up, I really do enjoy them!

Wren is available now over at https://na7turally.square.site/

Also my friend gawki has a daki up there now too you should give it a look! Thank you very much as always!



Kraven Lupei (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-14 07:56:52 Oh that's nice <3 Lovely balls indeed
2023-06-13 22:59:59 Oh that's nice <3 Lovely balls indeed

Oh that's nice <3 Lovely balls indeed