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I've only ever seen the first season of Helluva Boss, and for most of it I wasn't thinking about Moxxie like at all. But then several of my friends mentioned how cute they thought he was, and idk, something about this little fucking weirdo. Truly, she let him hit it cause he goofy. And then I saw several renditions of him with a dumpy and a huge dick and it's like game over. So here he is, in all his unfettered glory! I haven't drawn a character in this level of cartoony style basically ever, it was honestly a real challenge. I had a whole other painting of him that I scrapped because it wasn't working. But I have had some sketches of him I wanted to do for quite some time, and I am so so relieved and happy that I made time for this tiny weirdo haha. I am a little hesitant to be posting and sharing cause I am worried since he isn't a furry people won't like him. but y'know, -I- like him haha. I hope it shows through. Oh also shout outs to the comic that one guy made where Moxxie is driving Loona home and they stop to rail in a hotel. Someone uploaded it on youtube and like cropped it to be SFW and idk why but that was really funny and honestly made it way more fun to read than seeing everything. I think part of what I like about that theme is the clandestine nature of it, just having the super hot stuff hidden and secret. That's sort of the energy I wanted to give here! Like you are sharing a tender moment alone with him. Anyways, that's probably too much exposition, this idea ahs had many months to brew lmao. Take care!!




You knocked this outta the fuckijg park man. I've seen your art before, I've enjoyed it but scrolling through Twitter and seeing this and reading you had 10 alts to this, instant fucking subscribe for me. Please tell me your doing more of this hung imp!


Golly I sure would like to! I think he's super spiffy and fun. We will see someday maybe haha


You do any commissions? Cause I'd definitely pay for more of this!