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Hey y'all. I won't mince words, things've been really rough and wild on my end lately. Like I moved three times, I got robbed, all kinds of honestly awful shit. But they're finally cooling off at least somewhat, and I want to do something to let everyone who does the unbelievable kindness of supporting me here know how much it really does help and mean to me. Like for real, if you are here, you are actively making my life better, making it easier for me to work on the things I care about, and I don't even want to think about how dire straits would be if you weren't here contributing to my artistic journey. So I want to do another Patreon voted image. I will take any suggestions you have for characters and ideas, and select the most compelling handful for a poll that will happen at the beginning of next month. Please feel free to recommend whatever interests you, though characters from IPs or my own OCs are much more likely to ultimately get depicted. Thank you sincerely, so much for being here. I will continue trying to make the best work I possibly can for everyone here. Thank you <3



Oh jeez, I’m super sorry to hear all that. I’m glad that things are becoming steadier for you though, and really glad to hear that what I’m giving can make a good difference in your life! Hope you’ll be able to get back on good ground soon! 💖 As for the poll, I don’t really have too many drawing ideas, but maybe some sort of breast/dick growth sequence with one of your OCs would be nice? I think you do them very well! I’d definitely also like to see you draw more of your OCs since we don’t see em too often UwU (or I’m just not noticing aaaaa)


I'm not too attached to IPs but I like the idea of a sfw (or nsfw) version of princess Zelda being a big dragoness having collected the triforce of power (rather than wisdom). Not much into other things IP furry wise to be honest.... Maybe a NSFW pic of Xander reflecting some of the issues you have had IRL? Like househunting etc. (featuring overisized dong of course).


If I'm terribly indulgent, there's not enough Anthro Nightstalkers from Fallout. Or hell I think I deathclaw would look great in your style. A nightstalker could also have some latex in the form of the stealth suit from the game, and it'd be thematic because they were developed in the same place :) As well, I do just want to extend my sympathies that life has been beating you down, my family has been going through a similar domino of bad luck and it gets exhausting. I'm just glad to hear I can make someone else's situation better if I can't do much about my own.


I get the moving thing. I'm in the process of doing the same. As for an poll option I think Sammael from Hellboy would be cool. Not enough art of them, and the uniqueness feels like it'd be right up your alley.


Maid Marion, like that other picture you drew, but with an aspect ratio that would fit on a daki!


Awwh thank you! I definitely like sequences like that! They take an awful lot of work to pull off though, so I usually go for more implied stuff!


deathclaw could be nice! I'm kind of shocked I haven't been tasked to make art of one yet haha


oooh I hadn't seen them before, but I really love how different their design is! Good stuff!


Lmao the idea of Xander being exasperated from househunting with a huge hyper dick just coincidentally there is really funny


Glad my hunch was right. Might have to commission a piece from you if they don't make the cut, assuming you would be willing.


ooo yeah I am down any time! Tbh niche stuff like that usually doesn't make it in but I would be hecka down


How about an hyper midnight form Lycanroc? I picture him (or them, if you rather have an herm with pretty boobas!) lying on their side, legs slightly spread open showing their big fat balls, playfully looking at the viewer while sucking/licking on their hyper knotted cock? Otherwise, more of your cute coati lady in her herm form would be pretty sweet. I think you only drew that one picture with them drinking a growth potion and there was never a sequel to that one.


Both very good ideas! I love the coati but people didn't seem to respond as well to the art I made of them! But it would be nice to try making some more!


Glad you like those. I didn't notice that issue, but it's quite unfortunate, they're pretty. Oh well. By the way, as a suggestion for future polls, a reminder of your OCs would be a good idea, given that you suggested that's a likely option to get picked. Either an attached pic or a link to some file hosting would work. I'm saying this because I know your main OC Xander (and he/they are very handsome!) but my memory is shit...and besides the coati gal (see, I forgot her name) I don't know which other characters in your patreon are your OCs . I get confused with the commissioned work you also post here. Edit: oops seems I replied outside of the thread above. My bad