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Geordie_79 wanted to get something a bit more low-key (as low-key as you can be when you're like 9 feet tall lmao). Him and Xander shopping for some unusually large clothes!  They love the stores with the tall ceilings lmao. I tried to use more 3d in this one, I'm honestly still in that figuring it out phase, but it's cool that it can at least get some kind of result at all. I actually really like fancy clothes also. I wish I had spent a bit more time designing Xander's outfit. Like it's for sure something I want to devote more time to, even if furries are notorious for not wearing anything, or have just outgrown their precious outfit lmao. After I was way far into this image, I found a crazy luxury mall near me. Everything is too expensive to buy, but it's still fun to walk around in when I need to stretch my legs. I wish I had found it sooner though, cause I for sure would have snapped reference for this one! Ah well, next time someone wants hypers in a store haha.




Really digging the fashion and the way the clothing looks in this!


Great work on this one :) maybe in a spiritual sequel we will see Xanders mighty horsecock


Lmao I like how the previous one of the characters was them chilling with hyper cocks and this one's just like "let's see them buying clothes" haha. But yeah I am always down :3


True dat :) I've had a sudden softspot for hyper stuff doing "everyday things". In real life I am allergic to shopping, only go shopping when I need something specific (like a nice tie)


The look on that cashier says it all XD, great fashion sense those two got! The fox cloths are really interesting


I imagine they must hit their heads in doorways all the time lol