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Have a good one out there tonight! Don't let the big monsters give you too much of a fright *the eyeballs emoji because I'm 50 years old and don't know how to type emojis*

Commission for Rakan!! I'm glad he is always down for werewolfy goodness aaa




Verrrrrrrry good wolf, and I love that moonlighting!


Correct me if I'm wrong, but about half of that dick looks like it has some real life hd textures to it. Not anything wrong with that since the integration is well done if so, just can't get the idea out of my head. Like, I see a random real looking hair with light glinting off of it right next to shade scribbles and the difference in detail is staggering enough that I need to ask.


There are parts of this painting that have photos in them, and I tried to integrate it so people looking would have a hard time telling what exactly was photo or not. I'm not sure what the "real looking hair with light glinting off" refers to in particular, but all of the highlights on the fur/hair are hand painted. I painted the dick entirely on its own first before overlaying a texture I liked to enhance it. I'm really new to using textures like that, but all of my favorite artists use it, so it feels kinda counterintuitive to shoot for similar results without a similar process. I have a bad habit of "shade squiggling", I think it can work really well if used correctly but I need to be more attentive about it.


Look about half way up the shaft from the knot. I was zoomed way the heck in though, so looking at regular size doesn't really make it pop out. Had me concerned about my grasp on real life vs great art, so props on that.