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Spooky commission for Enzo! He wanted to see how he looked after he'd really been doin the size yoink for a while hahaaaaaAAA

I wasn't ever crazy about sci-fi, but the more I look into it, it has a lot of elements that are actually super fun to draw and paint. And zie theft is always an enjoyable theme to explore. I'm glad Iw as able to finally get this done before Halloween. I freakin' love October and this season. I guess that isn't a particularly warm take, but it really does delight me. Sometimes I get depressed that I will only get 50 or so more Autumns (hopefully), but I guess that thinking fits the season haha. I always wish I was able to do more spooky stuff for the season, but I'm so busy working. I defo wanna like, visit an orchard or something like that. I've never done a haunted house either (too scared) but I probably should do that sooner than later haha. What are some of y'alls fav scary movies? Always need more of those.

I felt like this year I actually have some spooky art int he pipeline for the season, but I guess I just like spookier themes all year so, haha.



Mech Drg

Phenomenal work! Always love seeing more of this guy!


how many slorps is that horsecock