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Lmao Loona slaps, idk, thank you internet for this hot bitchy werewolf lady. She's gonna do dark rituals and be mad at you for watching while also forcing you to watch what's not to like okay. I'm glad I got to paint her again, she really is super fun to. Maybe the next one can have more like clothing lmao I think she'd look cool in some shiny pants???? Shiny pants! Anyways hope y'all like her, thanks again for being here, it really means heaps to me. This wouldnt've happened otherwise




Wooaahh these are all really dang good! =D


Oh hell yeah! I alwaya love seeing more Loona and every one of these alts are way up my alley! Love the way you draw her face and the way you draw paws.


yoooo big booba/dong book where do you get those :O also the fur rendering on this is so good djfjdsf