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Hey all! I had so much fun doing the last community poll, that I decided to go ahead and make another one haha. So for the rest of the month, go ahead and suggest as many things as you want to in response to this post! It cane be literally anything, though I'm much more likely to end up using it in the poll if it's fanart and includes a specific idea. But all ideas are welcome for suggestion, and everyone at every tier can suggest things! At the start of July, I will host a poll with a few of the ideas that I feel could be the most successful, and then paint it! So yeah! Looking forward to seeing what all of you have in store for me :D

Also hi to all of the new people who swarmed in from the recent Nick Wilde! Thank you so much for being here and supporting me ;____;b It means so, so much, truly.

Alright, let's all make some dope shit together!



Starfox draining Wolf of his cock and muscle size? 💜


Giant male Kaiju looming over some building


Princess Zelda with the triforce (or triforce of power) turning into a macro dragoness


A goo girl very slowly and sensually binding her prey as she gives them a kiss.


Kass from botw discovering a song of growth


Rocket raccoon and some big paws


X-Men: First Class version of Beast giving a foot job with his hand like feet


Something with the 2010 Wolfman movie wolf


idk I've been getting into the idea of using magic to jerk yourself off so there's that lmao <3


I appreciate the suggestion! I have been doing lots of macro lately so probably not this time! Also I think this idea isn't really specific enough to have as a poll option X)


I really liked that TF scene the first time I saw it ayy! Thank you for all of the suggestions!


Godzilla tribute. 'cause dat boy is dope. Also ripped. Also RIP monster.


Although (a) that's not specific enough, and (b) that's macro, and you wanna do something not macro this time, so Imma think


Could sound tritely, but I would like try to suggest another hyper Judy drawing ^.^' Something about sudden cock growh in her little police car or maybe same theme when she was writing parking penalty