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Hey all!

Here we are with the third push for the month and there's a lot to get through, including the reveal of next month's theme. Let's get started!

The MAD Cartographer - World Wonders

Hanging Gardens

A marvel of engineering, the hanging gardens carry water through a series of aqueducts to allow a lush garden to grow, far from where this would normally be possible. The gardens are a marvel and a sign of true wealth and power. This map takes characters up a series of tiered gardens, where the Levels and Better Roofs allows Foundry users to pass beneath the overhead aqueducts. Thanks to the tile-scroll module, the water is visibly flowing along the aqueducts, making for an immersive map! Variants are included for Day/Night

Terracotta Warriors

Hidden away deep underground, this tomb is filled with golems in the image of powerful warriors that defended an ancient ruler in life. Now in death, they are rumoured to patrol the hallways and keep tomb raiders at bay. This large dungeon map contains multiple encounter rooms, twists, turns, and secret chambers. Clever use of the wall-height and better-roofs modules allows characters to climb down into the 'pit' containing the soldiers, and pass underneath the magic floating jade walkways. A variant is included without the Terracotta warriors.

The gallery has been updated with this content, as well as pCloud, which you can access through your Theme Master List and the Foundry VTT module is updated and ready to be downloaded.

Vampire Hunters

Yester Hill

The druidic site of Yester Hill sits to the South of the Wizard of Wines, and can be an important location in many Curse of Strahd campaigns. This content push provides 4 versions of the large Yester Hill map - with and without the wicker effigy of Strahd that may be become Wintersplinter, and without - in a day/night variants.

For our supplement this month, we've included a common scenario not covered by the book; arriving at Yester Hill's summit for the first time, after the ritual has already been completed and Wintersplinter defeated elsewhere. This supplement provides information about the druids, hints towards Berez, and information about The Huntress.

Next month our Vampire Hunter content will be focusing on the Vistani Camps that can be found throughout Barovia!

The gallery has been updated with this content, as well as pCloud, which you can access through your Theme Master List and the Foundry VTT module is updated and ready to be downloaded. 

The MAD Cartographer - Asset Library Updated

We've recently added over 300 new assets to our asset library, including the new assets created by the team for World Wonders, as well as working through a portion of our previously unreleased back catalogue of assets from previous themes. Full Cargo tier Patrons can find these in pCloud!

Our plan is for the last content push of each month to include all the new assets created during that theme, so make sure your asset libraries are organised and ready for an ongoing stream of new assets!

Next Theme - Frozen!

Our next theme is Frozen, where we plan to bring you some arctic, frigid, (and some festive!) maps just in time for the winter season! This map pack is well underway by the team, and you'll soon be able to explore maps such as:

  • Icy Dragon Skeleton
  • Festive Factory
  • Ice Spider Hollow
  • The Frozen Throne

And more!

Until then...

Keep Rollin' those 20's, folks!
Harrison, Alex, & Team MAD

Jump To Your Master List: All The Things™ | Vampire Hunter | Starter Bundle



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