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Hey all,

We're back with our third pushes of content for Farm Life & Vampire Hunters! There's a lot to get through with today's post so let's get started!

Big Barn

The Big Barn provides a large, multi-level stables/livery for you to keep your faithful mounts and noble steeds. The Barn comes complete with living quarters, work and storage spaces, as well as all manner of nooks and crannies spread across two floors. This map could work well as part of a  farm, or even as a hideout if your heroes are on the run from enemies and trying to hide out. The Levels module is used for the Foundry version, allowing characters to ascend the staircases at the front of the building, or climb the ladders in the main stables. Variants of this map are included for Day/Night.

Fantastic Fox

A large, sprawling farm map covering two floors, heavily inspired by the 'Fantastic Mr Fox' story, where a cunning fox habitually raids three horrible farmers via tunnels.

On the surface, this appears to be a large farmstead with several small buildings, chicken coops, and a stable. However, there's more to the eye with this map. Tucked away under multiple hiding holes, trick switches, and cunning concealments is an entire network of tunnels underneath the farm - connecting cellars and pantries to the subterranean thief's network.

DM notes on the map indicate the more complex mechanics and how they work, using modules for our Foundry users. Even without the underground section this map is definitely worth checking out for a potential brigand or mercenaries encounter. Variants of this map are included for Day/Night.

The gallery has been updated with this content, as well as pCloud, which you can access through your Theme Master List and the Foundry VTT module is updated and ready to be downloaded.

Vampire Hunter

Nestled on a lonely promontory through the gates of the vampire lord, sits a ramshackle ruin of a Windmill - once said to belong to a prominent family in the region, but long since fallen to ruin. Now, rumours abound about who may dwell in the Windmill - some say a harmless old baker, others say a vicious coven of child-eating hags.

Many find the original version of this map is prohibitively small, given the combats that can occur there. For this reason we've increased the scale slightly, whilst still trying to keep the map realistic and claustrophobic. This map spans 4 floors, and provides a fantastic eerie location to meet (or beat) the local baker.

The Foundry version of this map utilises the Levels module to allow you to navigate up and down the Windmill with ease. A Day/Night variant of this map is included.

The gallery has been updated with this content, as well as pCloud, which you can access through your Theme Master List and the Foundry VTT module is updated and ready to be downloaded.

Note for All the Things Patrons - The map images for Vampire Hunters maps are now available, and can be found in the 'Vampire Hunters' folder within the All the Things pCloud directory.

Next Theme - Taverns!

Following a comfortable in in our recent poll, September will see us releasing a variety of tavern maps, with an even mixture of low fantasy/utility, and more ambitious/niche taverns. Where appropriate, all of this taverns will also be included as standalone buildings (both as isolated map assets, and token Attacher prefabs for Foundry users) so you can drop them onto a background of your choosing or into a modular street using our Downtown theme.

We're really excited to bring you the first of these taverns maps - and the team are already hard at work on the following month's theme!

Until then...

Keep Rollin' those 20's, folks!
Harrison, Alex, & Team MAD

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