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Hey all!

The next three maps in this month's Pick'n'Mix 2023 have just released!

Battlefield Aftermath

A vicious battle between two opposing forces of knights and wizards has resulted in a devastating massacre for both sides. Now, bodies litter the floor of this pass, and residual magical effects still linger from the warring magicians. Day / Night / Blank variants of this map are included.

Countless warriors fell during this battle, and eagle-eyed Patrons may notice some distinctive and iconic heroes amongst the fallen!:

The Grand Witch Bonfire

Deep in a forgotten part of the forest, witches and fallen druids congregate to observe an annual unholy ritual.

Fetishes of bone and flesh are strewn out between the trees and across the baths in a strange display of worship. Where the two paths meet, several large cages are arranged around an enormous pyre, whilst human sacrificial remains are arranged in an unholy sigil. Day and Night variants of this map are included.

The Caves of Ill Omen

This sprawling and twisted cave network is filled with fresh springs, pockets of illuminating fungus, and several clusters of glowing ore. Elsewhere in the warren, a dark pit of ruined skeletal remains hints at the darker nature of the beings that may be lurking within.

The original map this is based off was first featured in Lair Magazine created by Luke and his team over at The DM Lair. We had the pleasure of working with Luke during this issue with some of our maps featuring in Lair in exchange for us releasing VTT content from those issues (which we never actually got round to... life... finds a way). So this map re-make is the first of some of that unreleased content that we'll be bringing your way this month (as well as some future Foundry VTT versions of the adventure itself).

In the meantime if you'd like the PDF version of the adventure then check out Lair Magazine Issue 02: Peril & Prestige of Luke's store!

The gallery has been updated with this content, as well as pCloud, which you can access through your Theme Master List and the Foundry VTT module is updated and ready to be downloaded.

Jump To Your Master List: All The Things™ | Essentials Bundle | Starter Bundle

There's even more Pick'n'Mix content releasing next week, as well as the reveal of next month's theme!

Until then,

Keep Rollin' those 20's, folks!
Harrison, Alex, & Team MAD



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