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Hey all!

Foundry version 11 recently released, and we've been working hard behind the scenes fixing and updating what we can in advance, to minimise any disruption to you.

Now that all of the modules used by our maps have been updated, we've begun pushing out the version 11 updates to our theme and adventure modules.

If you are holding off on updating to version 11, your existing v10 modules will continue to work. Future content that we create will be version 11, as it isn't feasible for us to maintain multiple versions of the same content.

What changes for The MAD Cartographer maps in Foundry Version 11?

We've done a pass through all of our historic content to implement some version 11 features, and to fix some issues with past content. This includes:

  • Scene-appropriate sounds on all doors.
  • Standardised scene names and canvas colours on some older themes.
  • Significant improvement to lighting and water effects (particularly on older themes).
  • Fixed a sound issue introduced with V10, where scene-wide sounds placed 'inside a wall' became restricted by walls, making the map silent.
  • Removed the 'Compendium Folders' module as a dependency, as this functionality is now a core Foundry feature.
  • Where appropriate, implemented the new 'Proximity walls' feature to make building windows grant vision depending on how close to them a token is. This stops characters turning up at the edge of a map and being able to see straight into the contents of a room 50ft away, ruining your surprise encounter!

If you have any questions please let us know!

Until Next Time,

Keep Rollin' those 20's, folks!

Harrison, Alex, & Team MAD




Awesome. Will the "Things Frozen" and "The Winter Scenes" packs also be updated? They are still giving me "type: may not be undefined" errors. Everything else updated without issue. Not quite sure if I got those two packs through being a patreon, or from one of the summer/winter sales though.


Was the Winter Bundle for the scenes, before Harrisons time so probably one that slipped through the cracks. Will take a look over the Thing Frozen pack though 👍


Fantastic. Thanks. Just updated :) Is there any chance that the Winter Scenes module will be updated? It seems to work just fine, so I don't think it's an actual problem. As far as I can tell, the scenes don't really contain anything but the background images anyway? Not much that can break :p I'm only wondering because of the update errors. If there are no plans to update, I'll simply freeze the module.


I just joined at the starter pack level. How I do I access my content from foundry vtt?