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Hey all!

It's the start of the month and we're here with our first batch of Crooked content, as well as some Vampire Hunter content.

As a reminder, for Crooked we're bringing you haunted, twisted forests, creepy woodlands, and condemned locations out in the wilds. Let's begin!

The MAD Cartographer | Crooked

Blight-Cursed Lands

A shadow choked land, once vibrant and colourful has now fallen into bleak ruin due to the schemes of a local necromancer. Enormous fissures split the land, unnatural thorny vines block out the sky, and strange pustules of glowing blue fungus erupt wherever the soil is split.

The Foundry module includes an animated fog version using ambient weather effects!

The Haunted Mines

A mining operation was abruptly cut short due to strange occurences, and now the mines stand (almost) empty. A large dungeon map of twisting corridors and treacherous passageways. Different versions of the map are included with each variation of rock fall effects, although Foundry users will find their version uses the token-attacher module to allow the DM to add rock falls or blast open tunnels depending on the character's actions.

A day/night version of this map is included.


Cabin in the Woods

This map is a homage to the 'horror' film of the same name - An unassuming cabin tucked away deep in the woods, hides a strange secret. Behind a hidden doorway, steps lead down into a cellar that is out of place in this world...


Strange walls and floors of sheet metal, strange sconces that hold no oil and never tire, and strange altars filled with corpses. Who has been lurking beneath the cabin? A day/night version is included.

 The gallery has been updated with this content, as well as pCloud, which you can access through your Theme Master List and the Foundry VTT module is updated and ready to be downloaded.

Vampire Hunters - Bluto's Shack

This month we're hitting you with a trio of urban locations, each release being a larger location than the last! We're starting small with Bluto's Shack, next week will be 'Mad' Mary's House, and we're ending the month with a larger bumper location containing supplement content from one of the Curse of Strahd community's most popular creators - MandyMod!

Bluto's shack is a small sorry hovel in Vallaki, where the fisherman has been drinking himself into a stupor. Characters may find themselves investigating his home as they try to search for the missing Arabelle.

A day/night version of the map is included.

The gallery has been updated with this content, as well as pCloud, which you can access through your Theme Master List and the Foundry VTT module is updated and ready to be downloaded.

We'll be back next week with more Crooked and Vampire Hunter content!

Until then...

Keep Rollin' those 20's, folks!
Harrison, Alex, & Team MAD

Jump To Your Master List: All The Things™ | Vampire Hunter | Starter Bundle



Dragon Of Chaos Gaming

Hey there, love the map content been using it on and off for a while now. Just wondering if there are plans for the foundry modules to be update to support v12 now that it is released?


It certainly will! We're just waiting on the TokenAttacher module to be updated to V12, and then Harrison will be doing a pass through all of our content to apply V12 features!