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Hey all,

We're looking forward to releasing our first push of Titan content in a few days, but before then we wanted to share some updates regarding our Foundry content!

Updated Foundry Journals

Keen-eyed Patrons may have noticed that the third push of Undercavern content last month added new formatting to the module. We've taken advantage of the gorgeous new formatting and journaling tools added in Foundry's recent updates to the dnd5e game system to improve the appearance of our modules, resulting in what we feel is a much sharper looking product!

This includes an Advanced Map Features page, giving details on the major features that set our maps apart from other creators, and how you can use them!

Previously, we've put important information such as the height of canopies in one of our "DM Info" boxes at the top-left of maps; but these can still prove to be insufficient for maps with a lot of information. Now, clicking the DM Info box at the top-left will instead open a page for that map listing all of the details.

Those of you who follow us on Reddit may be familiar with our More Than A Map series of posts - where we share one of our maps for free with a sample scenario/encounter that could take place on it. With this new update, we're also going to start releasing each map with a More Then A Map example on the map page! We've all been in the situation where we think a map is beautiful, but can't immediately think of how it could be useful for the type of game we're currently running.

Our hope is that by providing one of these prompts for every map as it releases, it could be helpful for you thinking of reasons or excuses to slot them into your games regardless of setting!

However, the new Foundry journal features offer a lot more than just text boxes, but are best demonstrated in an adventure...

New 5e Adventure: The Cobalt Cloister! (APL 10)

To demonstrate (and to be honest; practice using!) these new formatting tools, Harrison whipped up an adventure over the last weekend which we're adding to our MADventures 5e Foundry module today, so is automatically free for all All the Things Patrons!

A militaristic monastic order steeped in Draconic worship has attacked its neighbours and withdrawn from society. Now, they have started issuing threats to travellers in the region, and survivors of these attacks whisper that their leader claims to have uncovered a means of becoming a mighty dragon herself!

This map takes place on an as-of-yet unreleased map from this month's Titan theme, and makes heavy use of our Token-Attacher module to present what we hope is a compelling adventure for you! The new journaling features make life easier for the DM, with improved linking, referencing, and transferring awards to your players!

The Cobalt Cloister is now available for Patrons who updated their MADventures 5e Foundry module!

With all of these journal changes, we plan to gradually work through our back catalogue and apply it to all historic content, but obviously this is a pretty significant undertaking (Coming up with 3000+ More than a Map concepts alone!) New content will always have these features, and you'll see updates pushed for older modules gradually with the changes applied. Same applies for the other 20 5e adventures in the MADventures 5e module!

DungeonDraft - 6900 Assets!

We've been holding off on updating our DungeonDraft pack for a while, as between The MAD Cartographer and The Planet Hoppers we're working on a better way to implement these with DungeonDraft features. However, whilst that's still underway it seems prudent to update you with everything we've created since the last DungeonDraft pack update!

All the Things tier Patrons will now see that they have a new updated Dungeondraft pack available on pCloud, with almost 7000 assets! We'll also be making a point of releasing a new DungeonDraft pack for each theme with the third push of the month so you don't have to download the whole library every month.


That's all for today - A new adventure, a lot of new assets, and bringing you up to speed on quality-of-life updates. We'll be back in a few days with our first releases of Titan and some Vampire Hunter content!

Until then...

Keep Rollin' those 20's, folks!
Harrison, Alex, & Team MAD

Jump To Your Master List: All The Things™ | Vampire Hunter | Starter Bundle



darkcalli (edited)

Comment edits

2024-05-07 18:28:40 hello i dont find the link to pcloud someone can help me to download the asset file please ?
2024-05-07 18:28:40 hello i dont find the link to pcloud someone can help me to download the asset file please ?
2024-05-07 18:28:40 hello i dont find the link to pcloud someone can help me to download the asset file please ?
2024-05-07 18:28:40 hello i dont find the link to pcloud someone can help me to download the asset file please ?
2024-05-06 22:35:34 hello i dont find the link to pcloud someone can help me to download the asset file please ?

hello i dont find the link to pcloud someone can help me to download the asset file please ?


At the bottom of every post there is a link to your tiers Master List. You'll find all the links you need there :) Thanks for the support!